Our partners


Duncan Farquhar

Duncan is an Agricultural Scientist from a farming background in North East Tasmania. He has experience in Australian wine and emerging agricultural industries. He founded Ecoconnections after reading ‘Earth Time’ by David Suzuki.

Duncan shares his thoughts on being ecoconnected to Euzyginella theari a South American leaf hopper.

Duncans profile on LinkedIn

Ella Farquhar

Duncan is Ella’s Dad. Ella joined as a partner in 2021.



Benefactors are funding a great journey of discovery in the tradition of Sir Joseph Banks and Carl Linnaeus. Our benefactors enable people to be ecoconnected for free. This makes ecoconnections, as journeys of discovery, accessible to anyone who is conscious no matter how rich or poor. Benefactor contributions may also be related to a particular project we are managing. Projects we fund and people connected join our benefactors in this great journey; to name and understand all the species on earth.

Benefactors are customers who click the ‘bulk ecoconnect’ button from our homepage. These people and organisations are listed here.

Your organisation?

Are you an organisation involved with Taxonomic research?

Are you a community group involved in observing wildlife?

Contact us to discuss how we can partner to help fund your work.

Would you like to ecoconnect your employees as a staff engagement initiative?

Contact us to discuss how we can tailor these connections to suit your business.

Do you have another idea for working together? Let us know.


Wild Idea Incubator

Ecoconnections is proudly a Wild Idea Incubator 2020 Entrepreneur, supported by Odonata, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and NAB


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