
Martuwarra Fitzroy River

This page encourages you to ecoconnect to a species in Martuwarra Fitzroy River Country. It costs $100US per ecoconnection. You get a name of a species in the region to form a relationship with. Funds raised will support biodiversity research.

We hope to help the candle of ‘biophilia’ (the love of life) inside you, to shine. We also hope you feel a special appreciation of the people of Martuwarra and their ancient and enduring love of Country. With this appreciation, we hope to support the continuation of this Indigenous culture, language and its role in celebrating an ecologically functional landscape.

Stories of and opportunities to visit this important national heritage region can be found at our partner website here:

Click the image to ecoconnect to a species in Martuwarra / Fitzroy River country.


Ecoconnect to a species in Martuwarra /Fitzroy River Country